Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Sleepy Hollow Season 3 Finale

*Spoiler alert* Please do not read any further unless you have "witnessed" (haha!) the latest episode of Sleepy Hollow!!You have been warned....

If you have seen the season 3 finale, I am sure you understand the reason it has taken me almost a week to even comment about it, let alone write a post.

We were promised a third season of "getting back to the core story of the Witnesses" at the end of season 2. What we received was a kick in the gut.

Abbie Mills sacrificed herself to destroy Pandora and save the world. Now half of our beloved team is no more. Ichabod Crane is left with the quest of finding her "soul's replacement" and an odd mix of secondary characters to assist him. The only remaining character from the outstanding first season other than Crane, is Abbie's sister, Jenny. 

Now, I am going to skip over the controversial issues (which may or may not be of merit; since I have no quotes directly from Ms. Beharie regarding her departure, and that is the only word I will accept as truth, I can only speculate.) because this isn't a forum for that sort of discussion. This is a blog about TV. Not the politics or gossip behind it.

Moving on. 

This show started out with a major hook. It's second season started off with interesting material but it soon felt like the writers were literally making it up as they went. This is what I believe may have caused the show to make the decisions they did in season 3. While season 2 started out with the Crane family intrigue, the tempo slowed and shifted too much focus on create a villain out of Katrina Crane. 

With Katrina and Henry out of the mix, I was hoping for a more back-to-basics-witnesses-against-the-evils-of-the-world-that-are-somehow-tied-to-Crane's-lifetime-or-the-Mills'-ancestors kind of season. I got a load of new faces instead.

The new group (I'm going to be completely honest, I barely remember their names. Chances are I had to look them up. That might speak volumes.) consisting of Danny, Joe (who was introduced in season 2 but given series regular status in season 3), and Sophie never really got any back story or character depth. The Hidden One and Pandora made interesting antagonists though very underdeveloped characters. I guess what I am getting at is after the seemingly off-course writing of season two, season three was grasping at straws.

Killing off major characters is nothing new. It's always been there in shows like these. But not one of the two MAIN characters. The story and the writers say that Abbie's story was over. She did what she was supposed to do. The next volume will continue without her. 

I have a hard time with this. I love Tom Mison. I love Nicole Beharie. I love the guest stars. I have hope for a new season with Icabod's sense of humor and odd fashion sense but I don't know if that will play as well on screen without Abbie's sense of humor and ability to keep Crane grounded in the current rather than his past.

I suppose I will have to wait and see if it even gets renewed for a fourth season. I have very mixed feelings about watching if it does get renewed.

RIP Abbie Mills


Tuesday, April 5, 2016

The Walking Dead: Season 6 Finale


Please use caution when scrolling. I am not one to post right after an episode. I give you at least a couple of days to catch up. Don't get mad at me if you keep scrolling and haven't watched the most recent episode. 

I, like many TWD fans, have very mixed emotions after the much anticipated season 6 finale. I have been a fan of the comics for some time and knew what Negan represented long before our group even made it to Terminus. So did a load of other people. 
While I can't speak specifically for anyone but myself, I feel it is safe to say that the overall concensus of this finale cliffhanger was much like finally getting to that perfectly planned night of romance, only to have it completely botched right before climax by a screeching infant.
Boom! Not Pee Pants City. More like Flaccid Pants City.

....Ok. Let me stop here and just say I love this show. I really do. If you knew me at all, even via Twitter, you've seen the massive love I have for this series.
I might whine about my favorites getting killed off but I don't really want the writers to actually listen to me. Writing is their livelihood, not mine.
Besides, I have the dolls. I can make my own show where no one but zombies die if I wanted.
I'll keep watching until the writing starts to suck, I mean really really suck, And, even then, I will still watch it until the very end because that is how I am. (Remember Heroes? Yeah, I watched every single minute.)
I can't say everyone will do the same. I can't say that I won't get to the point where I can't watch it anymore. Who knows? I just don't think the writers should take the threats of rioting so seriously.
So this isn't a complete bashing of this wonderful series. Just a partial beating....

Jeffery Dean Morgan, in my opinion, is the perfect Negan. I also believe Chandler Riggs is the perfect Carl and Michael Cudlitz is the perfect Abraham. 
See where I'm going with this?
They perfectly look the part. 
When I heard he had been cast as Negan, I knew two things. One, he would really bring this villian to life and, two, he wouldn't be seen until the season 6 finale.
With that, I also knew that someone was going to die at the hand of Negan via Lucille because of the comics. The who didn't really matter all that much because I knew someone was going. There was no way to bring Negan into the picture WITHOUT his classic comic book entrance.
So I, like many others, prepped for months for the heartbreaking blow. 


The articles and interviews are all over the internet of Gimple and crew defending the cliffhanger. 
The new story opens here; The end of 6 really is the end of 6; Nothing more could be told; blah blah blah.
While it is typical television drama prose to give the audience a reason to tune in the next season, I believe they could have accomplished a cliffhanger with Carol, Morgan and the Kingdom characters. In a sense, they did.
We have no idea who Helpful Horseman in football padding really is or where he is taking our only surviving season 1 female, who has been shot no less than three times. 
Couldn't they have possibly revealed who died and then cut to the scene with Carol and Morgan being "saved"?
We could have had time to absorb -insert character speculation here-'s death and still feel compeled to tune in next season to see where the hell Carol is going??

I guess I just feel I was ready to let someone go in April, rather than in October.

Let me know what you thought in the comments section!!!
Thanks for reading!!